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Graph Search Visualizer

Updated on 21st April 2024

A search algorithm visualizer made with Python.


This is a search algorithm visualizer that I made using Python. It is capable of visualizing the below search algorithms:

  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Depth Limited Search
  • Iterative Deepening Search
  • Uniform Cost Search
  • Bidirectional Search
  • Greedy Search
  • A* Search

I did this small project as an assignment for my AI course module. It was a fun project to work on and I learnt a lot about the different search algorithms.


The project was made with Python and I used the Matplotlib library to visualize the search algorithms. This is a simple project that can be run on any machine that has Python installed.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed working on this project as it was very interesting. I was able to grasp a good understanding of different search algorithms and helped me gain foundational knowledge in AI. I hope to work on more projects like this in the future.

© 2024 Haritha Hasathcharu
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