The Blog LyfeLyne

Updated on 25th April 2024

A PHP blog built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


LyfeLyne Home

LyfeLyne Home

This is my very first website that I ever created, and hosted on the internet. It is a simple blog that I created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Initially, I wanted to write a small blog about opinions about different world issues, and share it with the world. So, I created a Blogspot blog, but I hated the fact that I didn't have full control over it. So I decided to create my own blog, so that I can also learn web development in the process.

This blog facilitated reading and searching posts, counting views (by incrementing a value in a MySQL database), commenting on posts, and a simple contact form. Moreover, I also created an admin panel where I can create, edit, and delete posts, and view and moderate comments.

You can see a demo of the site in the below video.


This website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and the backend is built with PHP. The database used is MySQL. The website is mobile responsive as well. At the time, I didn't know about frameworks like Bootstrap, so I wrote all the CSS from scratch. It took me around three months to complete the website, as I was learning in the process. The admin panel is protected by a session-based auth system, where passwords were hashed using the SHA1 algorithm and was stored in the database.

I hosted the website on a free hosting service which I don't remember the name of, and I got a free domain as well.

Final Thoughts

I was really proud and happy when I completed this website. It was my first website that I created from scratch, and I learned a lot about web development in the process. I learned about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and how to host a website on the internet. I also learned about the importance of security in web development, and how to protect a website from attacks such as MySQL injection. This website was the stepping stone for me to learn web development, and I am really grateful for that.

© 2025 Haritha Hasathcharu
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