Wireless Rover with Camera

Updated on 6th June 2023

A small rover with a camera that can be controlled wirelessly.


This is a small robot that I made during the quarantine period. It can be controlled wirelessly by connecting to its WiFi network, and thereby accessing the webpage hosted by the ESP32 CAM module. Here you can see a camera feed and control the robot using the buttons on the webpage.


Using open source libraries and hardware, this rover was built using the Arduino IDE and the ESP32 CAM module. The ESP32 CAM module is a 2 Megapixel camera module with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities. It is also capable of hosting a web server. The rover is controlled by a L298N motor driver, which is controlled by the ESP32 CAM module.

Final Thoughts

It definetely was a fun project to work on, and I learnt a lot about the ESP32 CAM module. However, the ESP32 CAM was not stable enough and it was really hard to get it to work. Moreover, the WiFi range was really short and the camera feed was really laggy. I would not recommend using the ESP32 CAM module for any serious projects.

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